10 Basics To Know Fridge Freezer Hotpoint You Didn't Learn In School

10 Basics To Know Fridge Freezer Hotpoint You Didn't Learn In School

A Guide to Buying a Hotpoint Fridge Freezer

Refrigerator freezers can be an extremely hardworking kitchen appliance. Keep  fridge freezer sale , stocked and in good condition to save energy and prolong the shelf life of your food items.

This Hotpoint fridge freezer can hold 302 litres of space in the cabinet for the fridge. The layout is spacious with many storage options including adjustable shelves and door bins.

The following are some examples of

If you're looking for a fridge freezer that will not only keep your food items fresh and cool but also looks great in your kitchen, there's a Hotpoint model that will suit your needs. This brand's sleek models come in a variety of colours and finishes like black, white and stainless steel. They're well-designed with plenty of space and simple controls. They're also designed to maintain the freshest quality of food and most nutritious, which is essential for meat, fish and dairy products.

Hotpoint models we have examined have a unique feature called active oxygen. This releases ozone into the fridge, which reduces bacteria by up to 90% and eliminates bad smells. It can also help to keep food fresh and reduce food waste which is a major issue in the UK as 70% of household food waste is caused by over-buying or food that's not at its peak by the time it is consumed.

The fridge and freezer sections are also illuminated by the LED light, which is bright and natural looking. The controls are simple to use and understand. There's also a cool button which quickly cools fresh food items.

This model comes with an automatic defrost feature that eliminates need for manual defrosting. The fridge or freezer door will sound an alarm if left open for too long. There's also a built-in dispenser for filtered water and a useful door alarm.

Another excellent feature is the reversible door that can be opened to either side of the appliance, based on the configuration of your kitchen. The pull-out salad drawer is perfect to store your vegetables as it keeps them fresher longer. You'll also find plenty of storage options with shelves, baskets and movable racks.


Hotpoint fridge freezers offer many different types of technology that helps keep food fresher for longer. There are a variety of options, including absence of frost that ensures air is always circulated within the appliance to stop ice and moisture from forming and active oxygen to reduce the growth of bacteria by up to 99 percent.

This model comes with two storage compartments in the refrigerator section. The top one features an adjustable dial that can adjust the humidity to help fruit and vegetables stay crisper for longer and the lower one is specifically designed to hold fish and meat. It also has an attractive ribbed floor that helps prevent roll. Both drawers have been designed to be a bit more spacious than those found in some other models so they are more convenient to load with groceries. A freezer that is overcrowded can cause the cold air to circulate less, increasing the chances of heat pockets forming and making the appliance less efficient to use.

The refrigerator is built with sturdy French-style doors which are easy to open and shut, but they do restrict the amount of space there is available on the door. The left door rack can accommodate six pints of supermarket milk, while the right door rack is able to hold four pints. There isn't enough space for anything more in the other doors. The top shelf on each door can be adjusted upwards or downwards by 5.5cm however those with shorter legs might find it difficult to reach without a step.

A control panel on the front of the fridge cabinet clearly displays all important functions of the fridge and freezer including temperature, making it simple to determine if there's a issue. There are also a few additional functions that simplify life for you, like the super freeze button, that quickly reduces the temperature of the freezer to preserve fresh food items, and an icemaker that can produce up to three kilograms of ice each day.

Hotpoint refrigerators come with a 1-year warranty that covers parts and labor. If you encounter any issues with your fridge or freezer the customer service team is on hand to offer assistance and advice. They can also arrange for an expert to visit when needed.

Energy efficiency

Fridge freezers have evolved from simple ice boxes to include a variety of features. These days, the main focus is often on energy efficiency. This is because refrigerators use lots of electricity so selecting an energy-efficient model is essential to reducing your energy bills. There are many things you can do to make your refrigerator more energy efficient, for example, lowering the temperature by a small amount (e.g. To make your fridge more efficient in terms of energy consumption reduce the temperature by 4 or 5 degrees (e.g.

But you can also do simple things like purchasing a refrigerator with an A+ rating, which means it has been independently tested and deemed to reduce energy use. You will save money and help the environment.

A refrigerator's energy rating is based on how much energy the appliance consumes during the day, but it also takes into account its annual energy consumption. This is because if you are using the fridge for a long period of time, it will use more energy than it does in a short period of time. It is essential to read the energy label before buying the latest appliance.

Hotpoint's range of fridge freezers has a variety of styles to suit any kitchen, whether freestanding or integrated. We also offer a range of colours, from black to silver, and stainless steel. This makes it easy to find the perfect appliance to complement your other kitchen appliances.

A few of our models are equipped with thoughtful technology like Active Oxygen, which helps to prevent bacteria growth and remove strong odours in your food. Other features like frost-free freezers, which mean you'll never have to worry about manual defrosting are an excellent way to keep your fridge freezer clean and hygienic.

Having a holiday mode can also be helpful for decreasing the energy consumption of your fridge. It can be set to keep the internal temperature around 15degC and lower than the norm, to prevent any smells or mould from forming while you are away from home for a few weeks.


Hotpoint's fridge freezers are a great choice for storing your groceries. Hotpoint appliances are known for their efficiency and capacity. There are a variety of models to choose from, starting from small fridge freezers to American refrigerator freezers. You can pick frost-free options or super freeze technology to preserve your food.

The Hotpoint HBNF55181WUK is a tall refrigerator that has an A+ energy rating. It also features two compartments to store your food items. The fridge comes with four glass shelves to store various food items. It can also hold up to 13 bags of food items. There are also three doors to accommodate taller items such as sauce bottles and milk bottles. You can also store a carton of milk in the fridge to keep it fresh and chilled. The freezer can store up to 245 litres of frozen food.

The best method to select the right fridge-freezer for your family is to analyze your requirements and select the most suitable storage solution. You can pick one that is taller to fit all your groceries, or a smaller freestanding refrigerator freezer to make space. There's a variety of colours to suit your kitchen from classic white to silver and black.

We offer a wide selection of Freestanding Fridge Freezers from leading brands including Hotpoint Fridge Freezers. Our appliances have been thoroughly examined by independent laboratories to ensure that they meet your needs. Our price match guarantee is offered on all of our Fridge Freezers, so you are sure to get a great bargain.

We know that purchasing fridge freezers is an investment, and we're here to assist you with your search for the right one. Our experts can assist you determine your budget and specifications, then help you find the most suitable fridge freezers that meet your needs. Once you've identified the ideal fridge freezer, we can deliver it to your doorstep within a matter of minutes.